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How a Christmas gift has changed my mindset for the best!


Updated: Sep 7, 2022

The story of how a Christmas gift changed me forever... and led me to try stand up paddle boarding.. amongst many other things!

As a kid, I loved reading and school. I was put in the “intellectual kid” box. Nobody, including myself, ever pushed or encouraged me to do any sports or handcraft activities.

It created the belief I was not good at it and could not get better.

So, of course, I became an adult who will not feel comfortable with any physical or manual activities. No practice led to a very poor coordination, balance, endurance…

Add the fear of being judged, and you can understand why I had no desire to get out of my comfort zone in this area.

It is an interesting example of how a fixed mindset creates limiting beliefs that limit our growth and richness or our life.

And some things changed in my life. A separation. Living alone. Traveling alone. And an encounter, with a man who sees as someone capable of anything... and offers me for Xmas, 4 years ago, a to scuba diving training! The last thing I would have ever considered possible for me. But I tried. And I got my PADI 1. I may have never been as proud. And it opened up my world!

Since I have been diving in Raja Ampat, running, hiking, biking, kayaking, off-site camping, taking line dancing, zumba and barre classes… even sky diving!

And last Saturday, I said YES when a friend invited me to go stand up paddle boarding. I had a lot of fun and felt really good when I stood up in this paddle board!

A couple years ago I would just have said: NO, thank you, not for me.

I would have missed out on this fun.

What has changed: my mindset.

I have developed a desire to explore, to learn, to create and a willingness to be bad at it first.

I believe I can learn and grow in any area I put my attention, time and energy into.

I get out of my comfort zone from a place a curiosity and excitement that brings me joy

and satisfaction… whatever the outcome is. There is always a learning!

This shift in my mindset is impacting all my life... and that is another story I will share later!

What are you saying NO to because of fear?

What is the best that could happen if you’d say YES?

If you feel that there is much more to you and to your life but feel stuck, contact me and let’s talk!

Coaching is the most empowering way I know of to support you in your life journey!

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